Sunday, 6 July 2014

Day Twenty-Seven and Twenty-Eight : Washington, D.C. - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Here I come......It's Always Sunny.....Streets of.......

The next day I head to Philadelphia, in doing so I decide to skip Baltimore. I've lost track of the states I'm passing through and no longer taking pictures of the 'Welcome' signs. I pretty much stopped after Oklahoma. I remember the Kentucky sign was on huge interstate and there was no way to photograph it so after missing one state I figured there was no point. The ride was actually another nice one. Americans seem to hate the corn fields because they are so frequent and you can drive through a whole state and see nothing but corn. As Irish Europeans, we are not used to them as much in that bulk. I love riding passed endless fields of corn, harvested or still standing proud and yellow. Just as I near the city I experience another near accident on the interstate. I'm trying to navigate the roadworks being carried out in the suburbs of Philly and I'm not racing to get there as I have made good time today but nevertheless out of nowhere I get a sharp stinging pain on my left arm, very localized pain, like a needle, like the sting of a bee. I felt a second sting an inch away two seconds later while I was reacting to the first. I can only imagine what it looked like for the car behind me as I started flapping my left arm erratically while maintaining completely normal behavior with my throttle arm. I managed to unzip and open my jacket followed by more flapping as a struggled to break loose from the stinging sleeve. I then take the next slip road wearing just on arm of my jacket the rest flapping behind me. I pull into the shoulder and as the car passes it gives me a friendly honk acknowledging my comical performance.

I check into Apple Hostel which is really nice and there's motorbike parking right around the corner; it's also movie and free beer night. I wanted to go to the bar where 'It's Always Sunny' is filmed so I head down to Paddy's Pub in old town where I meet a sound biker couple. I chatted to a local about the best Philly steak sandwich and then some random dude at the end of the bar buys a whole round for everyone in the bar, which was about 7 people at this time of the evening. It started out as a pleasant evening. The biker dude brings me outside to smoke a one-hitter which was delicious, his girlfriend had grown the grass. His Harley 1700 was sitting outside the bar. I tried to lift it, with great effort, it was a good few hundred kilos and the clutch was like a grip-excerciser in itself. I went to another bar called Mac's Tavern which served amazing craft beer with really intelligent barmen, they knew every detail of every beer and were excellent guides on beer selection. Mac's Tavern is owned by  Rob McElhenney & Kaitlin Olsen of 'It's Always Sunny'.

The beautiful couple, Shannon and Mitchell

In this bar I meet a young couple called Shannon and Mitchell. I ask if I can put my beer down on their table outside so I can light my cigarette. I had full intentions of talking to these guys little to their knowledge. 10 minutes previously I had watched them come into the bar and ask the barman detailed questions about their collection of beers. I practically followed them out to the front of the bar (smoking area). They are both ace travelers and abundant of life and interest and we were all just pretty similar in a way, they are two of my favourite people I will meet during my trip and they have since reminded me on a few occasions that I was one of their favourite people to meet. Young beer connoisseurs. We hang out for the evening and drink heavily together, but we drink quality beers, they both have huge knowledge of beer and food (particularly Mitchell). We eat vegan pulled-pork burgers together which were absolutely amazing (I believe it was well after midnight and this tiny little bar did amazing beer and food). We continue just drinking quality craft beers in a few off the map bars. I believe the bar we ended in had a menu of over 400 beers and was just across from our hostel? Mitchell could correct me on that. 

From the fire escape
We ended the evening on the fire escape smoking a vaporizer packed with cannabis wax, delicious. I've never really smoked oils and such and nothing through a vaporizer like this. It was mild but flavorsome. Weeks later Shannon and Mitchell will recall this to me as one of their favourite nights. I don't remember exactly what we talked about but it was mutual. Actually, Mitchell starts telling me about his granny who is an artist. Her name is JoAnn Harper and her art is highly textured with great depth. Her paintings are fun, colourful. It seems she has no real interest in monetizing her art but with a quick google search you can find some of her pieces. Mitchell and Shannon already know but I insist that the world should be allowed to see this woman's art. 

I wonder downstairs to get some fluids when I bump into the two of them again. They had intended on leaving early to go to the Secret Garden and we had arranged to meet after. As it turned out they hadn't left yet so I tagged along. We all go for replenishing fruit juices with bee resin when we discover the Secret Garden doesn't open for another 20 minutes. Being in that smoothie shop we behaved like Harold and Kumar discovering White Castle. 

I assume the smoothie helped but we all remained a little hungover nonetheless. We visited the Secret Garden created by Isaiah Zagar. It is a wonderland of upcycled beauty. Bottles, bicycles, tiles, statues, carvings, a toilet and all things of curious interest. We then eat a delicious vegan pizza together and then visit the Liberty Bell, not sure about it's history but I know it's important. I've already decided I am not moving ship just yet, I had mentioned this to the hostel staff on the way out. Shannon and Mitchell have to grab a bus to NYC so we say our goodbyes reluctantly and wish each other well. It was a sad moment leaving these guys but as it turns out I plan to be in NYC in two days and we had agreed to meet up but things just didn't pan out like that. Once we split, I head over to East State Penitentiary, former 'residence' of Al Pacino. I don't know why, but taking the bike through the city is still novelty. Getting from town to town, or city to city is great, the whole journey is great, but when you have based yourself somewhere for a few days, you still have the flexibility and mobility to do what you like. I have limited time and so much to see, a motorbike is a great way to see a country or a city. 

Prior to saying our goodbyes Mitchell asks me if he can give me a Pokemon card.... I remember the days of "have, have, have, need, need, have, have, need, need, have, have, have, have' as kids in the playground traded their Pokemon cards or Pogs or whatever it was at the time. I never really collected Pokemon myself. It was all besides the point. Mitchell explained that he had been giving these Pokemon cards to people that had made an impact on his travels. I couldn't imagine how much thought could go into such a simple gift. I was a little taken aback by this warm and humble gesture. This is one of many reasons why I loved these guys. This was their nature in a way. Mitchell carefully selected three cards of which I had a choice. He thought I had strengths that were well reflected in the cards he had chosen. I chose Dark Charmeleon which Mitchell explains will go through some great change (I think it evolves into another stronger Pokemon). I'm lost on the story of Pokemon but it meant a huge deal to me. The Dark Charmeleon card stays with me now tucked in behind my phone. 

The prison is eerie but fascinating. I really enjoyed my three hours in here, not enough time I could have spent 6 hours here. The prison contained all sorts of interesting history but having closed in the 70s and with very little repair since, the place is just a bit creepy. I spend this second night watching Wolf of Wall Street in the hostel, there is a second free beer night but I'm not drinking because apparently the beer is like a poor quality PBR (PBR is not a nice beer to star with as any Americans reading this now will understand), I want to leave early the next day and I've had my share of beer, I'm almost sick of it. It has been a very boozy vacation.

East State Penn. Operating Theatre

My friend Bernie is due in at work at 4pm and she lives in East Hampton (200 miles away) so a morning start is essential in order for me to see her before work.


It really and truly is, the thought that counts. Mitchell could have given me literally anything, a bottle-cap, a box of matches or an antique Faberge egg; if it meant something to him, it meant something to me.

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